Equipo Bluemaro
1.Physico-chemical patterns in Mediterranean coastal waters
2.Ecophysiological field studies of R.okamurae community
3.Models of risks and distribution
Research Group (IBYDA)
Jesús Garcia-Lafuente team
Raimundo Real Giménez
Andreas Reul, Begoña Bautista
Work group: external collaboration
Jesús Mercado Carmona-IEO team
Diving clubs
María Muñoz

Experimental approach:
Ecophysiology in out-door mesoscoms and laboratory under controlled conditions of multifactorial factors : Photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and enzyme activity, antioxidant activity and stoichiometry.
Research Group (IBYDA)
Félix López Figueroa, Nathalie Korbee, Antonio Avilés , Begoña Bautista, Elena Bañares
Biotechnology approach:
1.Metabolomics and bioactive substances
2.Evaluation of the use of bio-products as
Feed (aquaculture), biostimulants and compost (agriculture) and cosmeceutics (cosmetic and pharmacology industry)
Research group (IBYDA)
Félix López Figueroa, Nathalie Korbee, Roberto Abdala, Rafael Sesmero team
Work group: external collaboration
Teresa S. Catalá –Universidad de Oldenburg
Life Bioencapsulation (Aquaculture)
Biorizon Biotech (Agriculture)
Social Dissemination
Equilibrio Marino, OSEGS